
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ten Crochet Cowls for Men!

Photo ©Patrick Hassel-Zein
Run right over to CrochetBlogger's Crochet Concupiscence blog post for a great photo series of ten men in manly crochet cowls

To whet your appetite, an eleventh is pictured at left: Robin's Hood, a hooded Tunisian crochet design by Patrick Hassel-Zein. 

Patrick is a 2011 nominee for the Crochet Liberation Front's Flamie Awards for Best New Crochet Designer and Best Crochet Designer of Mens Wear. 

Robin's Hood is part of a Tunisian crochet pattern book in English here, in Icelandic here, and in Swedish here.


  1. Thanks for sharing the link and adding such a fun pattern here to the mix!

  2. Wow - awesome cowl. Wish I had a wife who could make one for me with a cool cape. What a fashion statement that would be!


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